Change Ideas:
Process map: Map housing process with local housing providers and programs to determine where bottlenecks occur and improvements can be made
Accelerate housing inspections: Train program staff to conduct inspections, to shorten the length of time in this part of the housing process
Outreach coordination: Organize weekly huddles with outreach workers to discuss strategies for coverage and engaging individuals who are a priority or difficult to engage
Team approach: Use team-based approach for housing navigation and support, rather than assigning only one case manager
Region of Waterloo PATHS Framework and Portable Home-Based Support (HBS) Framework (2017) – frameworks for an integrated community-wide housing navigation team and housing first and rapid-rehousing team
Create checklists: Create checklist of documents to be collected and checklist of steps individual must take to access housing; checklists serve as a housing plan handed off as the lead navigator changes
Align goals: Set agency-level goals that align with other agencies as well as community goals
Regular goal-oriented meetings: Convene homeless service organizations regularly to review data and plan strategy improvements that will help meet collective goals
Begin housing search early: Train housing locators to begin an individual’s housing search at the point of program entry
Peer support: Develop peer-support staff to provide engagement and navigation support
Peer Support Navigators (VA Housing Navigator Toolkit 2016 – peer info on pg. 36)
Streamline access to social assistance: Create streamlined process with local social assistance offices or comparable entity to obtain income verification or other necessary documents
Coordination through technology: Use a technology platform like Slack to facilitate communication and coordination between outreach staff and service providers
Partner with mental health and addiction services: Partner with local substance abuse/mental health-funded teams to coordinate additional outreach and support for individuals with mental health or substance-use issues
Opioid Epidemic Resources (100 Million Healthier Lives toolkit and resources in Google drive)
Partner with hospitals: Use by-name list to target engagement to high ER utilizers; collaborate with emergency services to engage these individuals with housing services