
The Anchor Community Initiative Resource Hub is a collection of resources, tools and case studies to help you use data to end youth and young adult homelessness in your community.

Expand Access To Affordable Units

Change Ideas:

See 20KHomes Website “Program Areas” – Housing Help and Landlords (resources for change ideas below) and San Diego Bright Spot #1 (included the change ideas below).

1. Central point of contact: Establish a clear central point of contact for intake of available units and interested landlords

  • Hotline: Create a 24-hour hotline for landlords to call if a tenant issue or crisis arises

  • Pool funding: Create a shared funding pool to incentivize landlords to rent to individuals with rent supplements

  • Mitigation fund: Create a “landlord mitigation fund” to cover potential repair costs and unpaid rent

2. Landlord website: Create a website where interested landlords can learn about renting to those with subsides and indicate their willingness; in some instances, this website can also serve as a place to inventory available units

3. Identify champions: Identify landlord champions and train them to convene small groups of landlords and share about the benefits of working with programs serving individuals experiencing homelessness; note that small meetings produce better results

4. Know your audience: Approach potential landlords like donors or customers and frame conversation in terms of their interests

5. Attend landlord gatherings: Build relationships and trust with potential landlords by attending apartment association meetings or other events where landlords are meeting

6. Recognize landlords: Publicly and regularly recognize landlords who rent to individuals in your homeless system

7. Advertise: Use radio and print advertising to outreach to new potential landlords

8. Include in consents: Create release of information (ROI) form in order to secure client consent to allow property managers to contact social workers if a problem arises; this practice will inspire landlord confidence

9. Create landlord materials: Create materials to be distributed to landlords by housing locators; materials ensure consistent, effective messaging that helps landlords decide to rent to individuals with federal or local subsidies

10. Train staff: Train housing locators in landlord outreach to improve their skill in securing rental units for individuals

11. Create shared standards: Create shared standards across service providers for quick, consistent responses to landlords about available units

  • Sample Standards

  • Innovation in progress: Hire housing locators with experience in real estate to leverage their knowledge of the housing market and understanding of the landlord perspective

  • Innovation in progress: Lead service agencies to create shared housing opportunities; use By-Name List data to identify the profile of an individual who would be successful and interested in shared housing

  • Innovation in progress: Use property investment models to purchase housing stock to be leased to individuals with rent supplements

Coordinate Services & Efficient Processes

Implement Housing First Practice