
The Anchor Community Initiative Resource Hub is a collection of resources, tools and case studies to help you use data to end youth and young adult homelessness in your community.

Gather And Target Housing Resources

Change Ideas:

1. Understand the need: Use a gap analysis tool to understand the gaps in housing resources against the projected need; use this      data to optimize resources and quantify and advocate for needed resources.

2. Engage providers: Work with social housing and other providers to implement a preference for and/or dedicate resources (housing, subsidies and/or housing support/case management) to support housing people prioritized from your By-Name List (coordinated access).

3. Implement move-on strategies: Partner with housing providers to dedicate other affordable housing and/or rent supplements to move-on strategies and free up housing resources.

4. Reallocate resources: Move resources from non-permanent interventions to permanent housing interventions, e.g. prioritize dollars for Host Homes, for Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) instead of emergency shelter, or convert transitional housing to permanent housing

5. Secure more support resources: Identify and advocate for the service resources required to place the most vulnerable individuals in permanent housing; consider local municipal funding or additional public revenue that could meet this need

6. Develop prioritization policy: Document and adopt a local By-Name List (coordinated access) prioritization policy.

7. Implement prioritization policy: Close “side doors” for referrals to permanent supportive housing providers by requiring that all new housing subsidies or units are entered into a central information system and matched according to a documented prioritization policy

8. Partner with others: Partner with other systems or providers (e.g., community mental health centers with housing providers to provide mental health care and housing to people experiencing chronic homelessness)

9. Pool resources: Pool regional program funding (where available and appropriate) from multiple communities/regions to fill gaps, once you are close to functional zero

Implement Housing First Practice

Prevent LGBTQ+ Homelessness