
The Anchor Community Initiative Resource Hub is a collection of resources, tools and case studies to help you use data to end youth and young adult homelessness in your community.

Prevent LGBTQ+ Homelessness

1. Facilitate greater community awareness of issues contributing to LGBTQ youth homelessness and local efforts to address these issues (e.g., through community forums).

2. Facilitate greater local collaboration and systems change among stakeholders to bridge gaps through expanded communication and sharing of best practices.

3. Improve the quality and use of data on sexual orientation and gender identity.

4. Improve understanding about risk and protective factors for homelessness, and related tools for screening and assessing youth.

5. Improve the quality of interventions to prevent LGBTQ youth homelessness.

6. Develop and disseminate new resources (e.g., resource guides) and implement programs (e.g., mentoring, family conflict resolution) to address particular youth needs.

7. Foster more affirming experiences for LGBTQ youth in the systems and among the providers that serve them through ongoing policy change, professional development, and resource sharing.

8. Increase the numbers of LGBTQ youth with identity-affirming placements made through the child welfare system.

9. Obtain funding and in-kind resources to support initiative activities.

10. Document the initiative’s progress, outcomes, and lessons learned to support quality improvement and enhance impact locally, and inform replication efforts in other communities

Harris County - NEST Plan

Hamilton County Safe and Supported Plan

Gather And Target Housing Resources

How to use Data in Meetings