
The Anchor Community Initiative Resource Hub is a collection of resources, tools and case studies to help you use data to end youth and young adult homelessness in your community.


This page provides resources and guidance around By Name List Scorecard question 9A :

9A) Does your community implement  consistent policies for determining inactive status?

INACTIVITY: When a client who has been enrolled / entered into HMIS and they have not been able to be contacted or located, or moved out of the county for 30 days since their last point of contact/enrollment. You would mark this client Inactive. Inactive should show clients that are no longer engaged with the system or who are unable to be reached or located.

This policy should state the protocol for removing someone from a BNL due to inactivity. It should specify the length of time that qualifies as ‘inactive,’ as well as standards for due diligence in engagement.

Note: If going into an institution for less than 30 days, YYA stays active on the list. If more than 30 days, they are moved to “inactive” status.

Example Inactivity Policies:

Actions to Consider

  • Determine the length of inactivity threshold that makes sense for your community, engaging the appropriate governing body, and publish it in your inactivity policy. (Recommended 30 days)

  • In your inactive policy, specify the number of outreach attempts required before changing an individual’s status to “inactive”

  • Identify criteria by which to indicate inactive individuals on your list, such as a status field, a separate tab, or exit destination; do not delete these individuals!

  • Establish a process for how frequently your community will update an individual’s status and how they will be marked as inactive; remember that these inactive individuals should not be counted in the “actively homeless” figure you report monthly


OUTREACH: Resources, guidance, policy examples and tools