
The Anchor Community Initiative Resource Hub is a collection of resources, tools and case studies to help you use data to end youth and young adult homelessness in your community.


This page provides resources and guidance around By Name List Scorecard questions 2C and 3C:

2C) Does your homelessness system partner with, and have specific protocols for coordinating with other key systems to quickly and accurately identify young people within those systems who are experiencing homelessness including: Your juvenile justice system

3C) Does your homelessness system partner with, and have specific protocols in place for coordinating with other key systems to ensure that young people in those systems experiencing homelessness are added to your by-name list, including: Your juvenile justice system

Example Protocols and MOUs:

Questions to Consider: 

  • When you’re talking about your local juvenile justice system, what and who do you mean? Organizations, people, government agencies, community partners, etc. 

  • Are young people experiencing homelessness and/or housing instability in the juvenile justice system or entering the juvenile system quickly identified as such? 

  • How would they be identified and by who? 

    • Once identified, what process does your local juvenile justice system follow to stabilize housing? 

    • How would the homelessness system be utilized? What would the impact on data collection on the YBNL be? 

  • What protocols or policies already exist between local partners in the juvenile justice system and homelessness system? 

    • How could this partnership be formalized? What would need to happen and who would need to be involved? 

  • How does your juvenile system define homelessness and does it align with the definition above? What is the impact on what is known/unknown in the homelessness system?

  • How does your juvenile justice system collect information about young people experiencing homelessness and/or housing instability? What are the possibilities for data sharing and/or data collaboration?

  • Does your community have clear protocols in place to coordinate with your local juvenile justice system to identify YYA who are experiencing homelessness and connect them to resources? 

  • Who has the most influence over this being a yes? 

  • What things are already happening to turn this into a yes?

Actions to Consider: 

  • Contact your DCYF Juvenile Rehabilitation Regional Parole Offices and Juvenile Rehabilitation Residential Facilities. Meet to discuss this question and action plan as needed. 

  • Contact the Office of Juvenile Justice for local contacts in your region. Meet to discuss this question and action plan as needed. 

  • Meet with local outreach teams and community partners who work with YYA with Juvenile Justice system involvement. Discuss this question and action plan as needed. 

  • Do a system mapping exercise of how a YYA in ____ juvenile justice system/program experiencing housing instability would access services. Draw out all the pathways, identify barriers, and work with staff and YYA to complete. 

  • Explore pathways with your local outreach team and brainstorm how they could be connected with YYA to coordinate housing resources and services.