• ACI YYA Retreat – Stadium Breakout Room - Tuesday February 14th 11:00 AM-4:00 PM

  • BIPOC Social HourTower Lanes - Tuesday February 14th 6:00-8:00 PM

  • ACI Learning Session Day One – Chambers Bay Ballroom III - Wednesday February 15th 9:30 AM-4:45 PM

  • ACI Evening Celebration – Chambers Bay Ballroom II - Wednesday February 15th 6:30-8:30 PM

  • ACI Learning Session Day Two – Chambers Bay Ballroom III - Thursday February 16th 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

  • AWHWA Lobby Day – Friday February 17th 9:00 AM-3:00 PM


This ACI Learning Session will be held at the Marriott Tacoma Downtown with our meeting spaces and your sleeping rooms at the same hotel building located at 1538 Commerce St, Tacoma, WA 98402.

Workshop LOCATIONs:

Tacoma Breakout Room:

  • 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Session B: Balance of State Friends: Let’s Scheme (With Sam Jackle)

  • 1:00 - 1:45 PM Session D: Unsheltered Homelessness: Lessons from Anchor Communities (With Julius Henrichsen)

  • 2:00 - 2:45 PM Session I: Menu of Actions: YYA Style (With Young Folks, Selena Woods and Rocky Thomas

Stadium Breakout Room:

  • 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Session A: Everyone’s a Data Cat! (With Elisha Pritchett and Tammy Riles)

  • 1:00 - 1:45 PM Session E: COC, You Complete Me (With Cecily Ferguson and Matt Davis)

  • 2:00 - 2:45 PM Session G: Filling the Gaps! Using the Inclusion Criteria to Improve Services for Young People (With Brennon Ham)

Chambers Bay Ballroom III (MAIN MEETING SPACE):

  • 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Session C: Aims! Data! Mapping! Oh, My! Let’s Play Around with CQI (With Rian Watt)

  • 1:00 - 1:45 PM Session F: Continuous Improvement at the Program Level (With Ashley Barnes-Cocke)

  • 2:00 - 2:45 PM Session H: Extreme Musical Chairs - Winning is Everything (With Isaac Sanders)

Click here for a downloadable version.


  • ACI Project Director, Ashley Barnes-Cocke’s cell to call or text is: (952) 449-1506

  • Program Operations Manager, Zane Ellis’s cell to call or text is: (302) 448-0322


We are still in a pandemic and will take precautions to halt the spread of COVID 19 during this event. Please refer to the Covid Policy you agreed to in the registration.

  • Masks are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED throughout the entire learning session. We will provide masks, implement air filtration systems, and encourage social distancing

  • We ask that everyone please test before coming to the event and please do not come if you test positive or feel ill. In the event you feel sick at the Learning Session, we will have Rapid Antigen tests available. Please call or text Ashley or Zane if needed.

In the hotel, fresh air is drawn in from the outside and mixed with the return building air through our HRU and is heated or cooled and sent through ventilation ducting throughout the hotel and enters the rooms from the ceiling using a ventilation (VAV) fan/unit.


This ACI Learning Session will be held at the Marriott Tacoma Downtown with our meeting spaces and your sleeping rooms at the same hotel building located at 1538 Commerce St, Tacoma, WA 98402. We will have one main meeting space on the 3rd floor of the hotel and 2 smaller breakout spaces on the 2nd floor of the hotel, just above the lobby. Elevators and stairs are in close proximity to the meeting rooms and sleeping rooms.


Marriott Tacoma Downtown 1538 Commerce St, Tacoma, WA 98402

If you selected that you need a hotel room in the registration, you should have received a confirmation email from Marriott Tacoma Downtown for your sleeping room. Please review the dates and verify that they are correct. If they are not or you didn’t receive confirmation email (check your junk folder), you can reach out to me, Zane Ellis (

  • Check-in time: 3 PM

  • Check-out time: 11 AM

If A Way Home WA booked your hotel room, we will be covering the room + tax, and parking. However, you must present a credit card and ID at check-in for incidentals. If you are unable to do that, please reach out to me so we can pair you with someone else who can check you in.

For folks who are under 21, we have paired you with an AWHWA staff member who will check you in - we will reach out with more info soon.


It is your responsibility to organize your own travel to and from Tacoma. You can fly or drive to Tacoma. If you fly to Seatac, you will be reimbursed for the cost of your flight. If you are flying – it is your responsibility to book your flight. If your preferred flight is over $500, please reach out to me for confirmation that we can reimburse at that cost. If you drive to Seattle, you will be reimbursed for mileage based on the federal rate of 62.5 cents per mile. Please attach map screenshots of the routes you take during this trip.


If you are flying to Tacoma, you can be reimbursed for Uber/Lyft/Taxi costs to and from the airport/hotel. Since the Learning Session and Sleeping rooms are in the same building, we will not be reimbursing any Uber/Lyft/Taxi/Mileage not between the airport and hotel. Besides the exception listed below.

IF you are flying to Tacoma and are attending BIPOC Caucusing Social Hour, you can be reimbursed for Uber/Lyft/Taxi costs from the hotel to the event and back. IF you are driving to Tacoma, but don’t wish to drive your car between the hotel and BIPOC Caucusing Social Hour, you can also be reimbursed for Uber/Lyft/Taxi costs from the hotel to the event and back.


We encourage your organization to cover your travel expenses and then submit the reimbursement form to us, rather than you personally covering the costs but either way is acceptable.

You can be reimbursed for expenses such as Flights, Uber/Lyft/Taxi, Mileage and Parking. For this ACI Learning Session, Meals during travel are NOT reimbursable expenses.

Click for the Travel Reimbursement Form. If you are one of the 8 folks per community that A Way Home Washington is covering travel expenses for - after your trip, you will need to add all the expenses that should be reimbursed in the spreadsheet.

If the reimbursement should go to your agency (and not you as an individual) for Traveler’s Name, you can put “First Name Last Name (Payment to *agency name*)”.

You must include all the receipts in PDF, JPG or PNG forms in one email with the completed Form. To provide reimbursement payment, we will need a W9 Form from the individual or agency receiving the reimbursement. I have attached a blank w9 form for you to send back to me privately. Please send it back to me as soon as possible – We can NOT provide payment without a completed W9 Form.




We will be providing Lunch for the ACI Youth Retreat on Tuesday February 14th and Breakfast and Lunch on both Wednesday February 15th and Thursday February 16th for the actual Learning Session. It is participant’s responsibility to organize their own Dinner for both days.

A Way Home Washington is not covering meals during travel for anyone during this Learning Session. The only time we will provide dinner is for folks who attend the BIPOC Caucusing Social Hour. Every other day you are on your own for dinner. I am not planning the AWHWA Lobby/Advocacy Day, but I do know some meals will be provided then as well.

  • ACI Cohort 1 Communities: If you want to cover a per diem or food gift card for your young folks attending, you can pull funds from the Youth Stipend Fund that came with the ACI Youth and Community Engagement Coordinator Contract. In the contract it outlines that you’re meant to provide food for meetings, this could be seen as something like and would be acceptable to pull from.

  • ACI Cohort 2 Communities: You have OHY Planning Dollars that can and should be used if you want to cover a per diem or food gift card for your young folks attending. Another option is to pull from the Youth Stipend Fund that came with the ACI Youth and Community Engagement Coordinator Contract. In the contract it outlines that you’re meant to provide food for meetings, this could be seen as something like and would be acceptable to pull from.


  • Tuesday February 14th from 6:00-8:00 PM.

  • Tower Lanes - 6323 6th Avenue Tacoma, WA 98406

Have you been a part of BIPOC Caucusing? Meant to go but haven’t yet? BIPOC Leaders across ACI, come hang out with Isaac & friends Tuesday night to play some mini-golf, arcade games, enjoy some food and drinks and have FUN!


This will be held in the same main room our Learning Session takes place. There will be snacks, desserts, and a cash bar where you can purchase drinks. There might even be some Karaoke :)

AWHWA Lobby Day:

Please reach out to Jessa Lewis ( with any questions regarding the AWHWA Lobby Day.